Good evening, East Kingdom Populace,

Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, and the Office of the Kingdom Seneschal are relieved to note the continued decline of the Omicron variant across the Kingdom.

As such, we feel it is time to permit a full re-opening of the Kingdom at this time. All safety measures must remain in place, both as required by the Society COVIDSafe policy and the East Kingdom’s masking policy.

Of note, the updated Society COVIDSafe policy states everyone 5 years old and over must present proof of vaccination or negative COVID test in the US when attending all SCA gatherings. This update will include Canada effective March 1, 2022.

The East Kingdom requires that all attendees ages 2+ at all in-person gatherings wear properly-fitting masks that comply with CDC/PHS guidelines about effective masks. Masks must be worn at all times, including while fighting indoors. They may be lowered briefly while actively eating and drinking.

For more information about the East Kingdom’s COVID policies, please review the Gate in a Box: COVID Edition resource on the Seneschal’s page:

As always, we urge the East’s populace to take good care of yourselves: practice social distancing, wear good masks correctly at all times when in public, and stay home when feeling ill or if someone you’ve recently been in close contact with becomes ill.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon.

In service to the Kingdom,

Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, Kingdom Seneschal
Audrye Beneyt, Kingdom Seneschal-Elect

Ioannes II and Honig II, Emperor and Empress
Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi, Heirs to the Tyger Throne

Categories: Uncategorized


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