Any Shire members who are interested on working on this, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
It is with great honor that I, Lady Magdelena Caminante, East Kingdom Historian, and Coordinator of the Halls of History and Memorial Garden, bid you greetings;
In less than one year we will have the pleasure of celebrating the Golden Anniversary of the East Kingdom. This historic gathering will take place Thursday, June 28th – Sunday, July 1, 2018, at the Schaghticoke Fair, in Schaghticoke, NY. We are fortunate the location has adequate space to display our history for all to enjoy. With that in mind, I am writing to introduce to you, the Halls of History and Memorial Garden Team, and to ask that you begin preparing for the event.
For this illustrious occasion, the Halls of History will be contained within two buildings. Currently, we are estimating that each group display booth will be approximately 10′ x 10′. Baronial booths should include their cantons. Each Shire may have their own space, or if you feel you do not have enough material to fill a booth, please feel free to share one with another Shire from your area. We ask that everyone please confirm your participation by September 15th, via email at
At this time we are estimating that the Halls will be open for set-up on Wednesday, June 27, 2018, from 9 am – 4 pm. The closing time can be extended if necessary to ensure that all displays are in place when the event opens Thursday morning. We would prefer no construction to take place Thursday morning. All displays must remain in place through the closing of the Halls on Sunday, July 1, 3:00 pm.
The facility only has picnic tables available for our use. Other than those, anything else needed within your display space will be your responsibility. The facility does not have pipe and drape, standard tables, chairs, etc. for our use. We are currently compiling a list of rental companies and other business such as Home Depot and craft stores in the area for your convenience. This information will be forwarded to you shortly. Due to the electrical limitations within the buildings we do ask that you please keep your need for electricity within your displays to a minimum. Also, because of the structure of the buildings, please do not plan to hang anything on the walls.
We are estimating that the Halls of History will be open to the populace from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm on Sunday. We encourage you to have volunteers present as often as possible to enhance the visitor experience of your booth. The Halls will be unlocked for staff at 8:30 each morning. All staff must exit by 15 minutes after the populace closing time so that the Halls can be locked for the night. For security reason the Halls will remain locked until they are opened the next day.
We ask all booths to have the following:
- A banner or sign displaying the name of the Barony or Shire
- A large Baronial/Shire device displaying the arms of the Barony/Shire
- Baronial Lineage
- Pictures or items that are a part of the Barony’s/Shire’s history (example: coronets, gowns, casting molds from important items, mantles, old armor, new armor etc.)
- Information on the history and traditions of the Barony/Shire
Recommended but not required:
- Any written Barony/Shire histories
- Displays of Barony/Shire traditions
- Lists and depictions of Baronial/Shire level awards
- All the things that make your Barony/Shire unique!
We are using the standard Kingdom divisions and each section has a contact person. For the present time, however, we ask that all communications regarding the Halls of History and Memorial Garden (information to come) be sent to the entire team
We asked via a Gazette article that you consider appointing a contact person for your group, and that their name and contact information be forward to me via the email address. If you have not done so, please select a contact person and forward their name and contact information to us via the address.
Additional communications will be sent to you over the next several months. It is our hope that all final communication regarding the layout of the Halls, the Memorial Garden, etc. will be to you no later than December 1, 2017.
Halls of History and Memorial Garden Team
Coordinator Lady Magdelena Caminante
East Kingdom Booth Countess Marguerite inghean Lachlainn
Principality of Tir Mara Baroness Tadea Isabetta Di Bruno
Northern Region Lady Cezilia Raposa
Central Region Mistress Paegan Graeme
Southern Region Lady Serafina Della Torre
Daughter Kingdoms Lady Rue
Heraldry and graphic support Mathghamhain Ua Ruadhain
Wiki and other historical support Lord Michel Wolffauer
I thank you all for your participation. We are all very excited, but know there is much to be done. We are here to help. It is our desire to get all communications to you as soon as possible, and to make no last-minute changes. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know as soon as possible.
Yours in Service,
Magdelena Caminante & Team