Passing this along to you all, by request. While we have no Chronicler, I believe any input would be appreciated.
Tournaments Illuminated Quest Request: Hints for Chroniclers. Kindly share this with your group.
From officers’ letters, event reports and award congratulations, to feature articles on history and how-to, recipe redactions, persona stories and poetry; newsletters offer much to enrich the SCA experience. They also serve communities beyond geographic borders — many guilds boast exemplary newsletters.
Chroniclers, what tips can you offer fellow officers on the never-ending search for content and relevance? What are your favorite sources and sites? How do you set yourself and your authors up for success? What are your popular features? Readers, in your SCA newsletters, what’s the first thing you turn to? What’s valuable to you? What’s fun? What would you like to see? Send your ideas and input (200-300 words) to and they may appear in the 3rd Quarter 2018 issue of Tournaments Illuminated.