Greetings all,

If you will be attending War of the Roses this year, we are looking for
people to teach classes.  My hope is to have both an A&S track, and a
Service track of classes.  My success will depend upon you.  If you’ve
never taught before, Roses is a fine place for a new teacher to try out
a class, and I would be glad to give you some pointers for designing
your class.  Roses is also a fine place to do a test run of a class
before teaching at Pennsic.

If you would like to teach at Roses, please send me an email with your
name, a description of your class, how much time you would need, and
what you will require for that class. (Table & chairs? Access to water?
Enough space to set up a forge?)  Let me know what you need, and I will
do my best to get you set up.  My email is

Yours in service,

Aífe ingen Chonchobair in Derthaige

Categories: Uncategorized


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