Good evening, East Kingdom Populace,
Their Majesties and Their Highnesses, with the Office of the Seneschal, thank the Kingdom for your support regarding the decision to close down all in-person activities until January 17th.
We have reviewed current data regarding reported COVID cases from the CDC and PHS. Although the data trends suggest that most areas of the Kingdom have reached a peak regarding Omicron-specific infections, that downward turn is not fully and clearly established yet.
Therefore, we have decided to extend the shut-down of all in-person activities in the East Kingdom for two additional weeks, through February 1st. We will meet on January 31st and will have an update on February 1st. We are in touch with the staff for events in the first two weeks of February at this time.
As always, we urge East’s Tyger populace to take good care of yourselves: practice social distancing, wear good masks correctly at all times in public, and stay home when feeling ill or if someone you’ve recently been in close contact with becomes ill. We look forward to seeing folks in person soon.
In service to the Kingdom,
Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, Kingdom Seneschal
Audrye Beneyt, Kingdom Seneschal-Elect
Ioannes II and Honig II, Emperor and Empress
Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi, Heirs to the Tyger Throne