From the Kingdom Seneschal:

Good evening, East Kingdom Populace,Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, and the Office of the Kingdom Seneschal continue to monitor US and Canadian COVID data, and we note with relief that new cases of the Omicron variant seem to have peaked and are declining across the Kingdom, although that trend is less clear in Tir Mara.Accordingly, we feel that an appropriate step for re-opening the Kingdom is to return to small in-person gatherings, capped at 15 people, maximum. All safety measures must be in place, both as required by the COVIDSafe policy and the Kingdom’s masking policy (which is, in short: masks, at all times in all places, including while fighting; may be lowered briefly to eat or drink).The shut-down for larger gatherings & events remains in place at this time. We will revisit this by Feb 11th, ahead of several events currently on the East Kingdom calendar. We are in touch with those event stewards regarding what the latter half of February might look like.As always, we urge East’s Tyger populace to take good care of yourselves: practice social distancing, wear good masks correctly at all times in public, and stay home when feeling ill or if someone you’ve recently been in close contact with becomes ill. We hope to see the populace in person soon.In service to the Kingdom,Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, Kingdom SeneschalAudrye Beneyt, Kingdom Seneschal-ElectIoannes II and Honig II, Emperor and EmpressRyouko’jin and Indrakshi, Heirs to the Tyger Throne

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