No business meeting tonight!
The Business Meeting is rescheduled for next Wednesday. A & S will still happen tonight. 4 to 6. Thank you!
The Business Meeting is rescheduled for next Wednesday. A & S will still happen tonight. 4 to 6. Thank you!
Would anyone like to help me sculpt and build the solteltie for East Kingdom 12th night? Drop me a FB message or an email! We should start later this week! Alayne
Can you help with set up, clean up, the days activities? Let Alayne know. We really need lots of assistance! (Especially with clean up!) Can you help with cooking prep for Dancing Fox? Let Brigitte know! Thanks!
The following activities will take place at January A & S and we can use all sorts of Participation: Making Site Tokens — Bring you own needle nose pliers! Embroidery of Napkins for newcomers! Miscellanea — I am sure there will more stuff to do!
This Wednesday’s A & S will be the last until 8 January, 2025. Wednesday we will have embroidery and site token making. As always, if you have a project you need help with, or something you are working on? Please come and Join us. We would love your fellowship. Have joyous holidays! ~Alayne