You Will Believe a Fox can Dance!

Hello, folks — Dancing Fox turns sweet sixteen this year, and we have some very special happenings: Lady Ailionora is chef de dayboard. Lord Tiberius is chef de feast. Vivant for these kitcheners stepping forward. Leo has volunteered to head up the clean up crew this year. Vivat for Leo! This is a vital job, and he will need lots of help, so if you are able to stay a while after the event… please Read more…

Wear Schola

November 9, 2013 In the Shire of Nordenhal, (Kingston, NY) Church of the Comforter Hall, Wynkoop Place Pre-registration   Before October 15 under 10     Free 11-17        $5.00 Adult          $10.00 After October 15/at the door under 10     Free 11-17         $10.00 Adult          $13.00 please make reservations early Non-member surcharge applies Make Checks Payable to     SCA-NY, Inc.  – Shire of Nordenhal   Site opens at 9:00am.  Classes begin at 10:00am    Site closes at 6:00pm Dayboard only, no feast Read more…

Reimbursement of Funds

If you are doing an event or helping with an event and will need to spend money, I have compiled this post to explain Society and Kingdom laws and policies with regards to the reimbursement of funds.  I want everyone to know the rules ahead of time so there are no surprises when the time comes. There are three ways to deal with purchasing items for an event: 1. Spend your own money and be Read more…

Financial Committee Meeting on 6/25/13

The financial committee met to discuss a few items of financial business (please see my last blog entry if you are confused about who the financial committee is and why they need to approve things).  It is also my job as an exchequer to take minutes of these meetings and to share them with the shire.  The following items were voted on: 1. Budget for Wear Schola (approved unanimously) : “Income: $500.00           50 attendees at Read more…

Handling Shire Money

I just went though my exchequer training this past weekend.  I will admit that I’ve been pretty ignorant about how money has been handled in the Shire in the past.  I also was ignorant of a lot of the laws and policies required for handling money.  Now that I know what we’re supposed to do, I thought I’d share that information.  I’m probably telling you guys what you already know and already have been doing, Read more…