17 April–
Sitting Shiva (for those who don’t know, these are visiting hours) for Sheldon Bosin, at the home of Ruth Burkowsky 119 Pinehurst, Albany 12203 htttp://www.mapquest.com/#f957458fe096c421a34ad221
Friday, April 18, 2014
Shiva, 2-5 PM
Saturday, April 19
Shiva from 7:40 PM
Minyan at 7:45 PM
Sunday April 20
Shiva 2-4 PM
The funeral service will be today (4/17) at Temple B’Nai Sholom at 1:00, with a graveside service to follow. The temple is located at 420 Whitehall Avenue, in Albany, NY. If you need to reach the temple for any reason, their phone number is 518-482-5283. Their website is http://www.bnaisholom.albany.ny.us
The internment will be at the Elmwood Hill Cemetery Association, 51 Belle Avenue, Troy NY. The plot is in the B’Nai Sholom section of the cemetery, on Roosevelt Drive, Row C, Number 8. The phone number there is 518271-6081.
16 April, 2014
It is with a heavy heart that I bring these sad tidings: Master Sheldon the Just has lost his battle with pancreatic cancer.
He was always the first to get his reservations in for Dancing Fox, and for many years was Dance Master in Charge for that event.
He held many offices, and always maintained himself to a high standard.
The East is diminished by his passing.