
Shire officer elections are coming around once again in the Shire of Nordenhal.

Please be aware letters of Intent this year will be sent by email to Usually these Letters would be in writing but due to Covid Restrictions this is not possible.

For more info on Officer Elections Please see Section III of the shire bylaws.

Letters of Intent must be received by the March Business Meeting.

Elections Will be Held at the April Business Meeting.

From the Bylaws, regarding Letters of Intent:

c. Letters of Intent must be submitted in writing by the March business meeting immediately preceding the vote.

Letters must include: i. Statement of interest in a particular office

ii. Both the candidate’s legal and SCA names

iii. SCA proof of membership iv. Address, phone number, and email address and written permission to publish information on the Shire website 1 month in advance.

Current Letters of Intent:

Abel has put in his Letter of Intent to remain as Seneschal as of 01/11/2021.

Alayne has put in her Letter of Intent to remain as Chatelaine as of 01/06/2021.

Carrick has put in his Letter of Intent to Remain as Chancellor of Minor as of 01/06/2021.

Celeste has put in her Letter of Intent to remain Exchequer as of 01/22/2021

Herelgar has put in his Letter of Intent to remain Webminister as of 03/02/2021

Ivan Ivanov has put in His Letter of Intent to Remain the Marshal of Heavy Fighting as of 03/01/2021

Richildis has put in her Letter of Intent to remain as Herald as of 02/03/2021

Seraq has put in his Letter of Intent to remain Minister of Arts and Science as of 01/31/2021.

I will update this page as the Letters of Intent come in.

Stay healthy and hope to see you all in person as soon as it is safe.

-Abel atte Watere, Seneschal of Nordenhal

Categories: Uncategorized


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