From Master Joel Messerer, East Kingdom Deputy Webminister for Services:
The Webministry is looking to recruit 2-3 new administrators for the
East Kingdom Wiki. The Wiki has been under the care of Master Michel
Wolffauer from its inception, and we need to expand that team. His last
assistant had the temerity to go and become Kingdom Webminister and
therefore had to step out, and there’s just too much for only one person
to do.
Administrators are responsible for user creations, field support
requests from users, structure of the data in the wiki itself, the more
“meta” information such as officer types and awards types that users can
then use in their own pages, and could get called on to moderate abuse
or to clean up spam should those occur. The Administrators are *NOT*
responsible for software updates, database, or systems maintenance as
related to the wiki.
A high comfort level interacting with wikis is crucial, and prior
experience with MediaWiki is preferred.
Interested applicants should email with a
short letter of intent including applicable experience.