Hello, folks — Dancing Fox turns sweet sixteen this year, and we have some very special happenings: Lady Ailionora is chef de dayboard. Lord Tiberius is chef de feast. Vivant for these kitcheners stepping forward.

Leo has volunteered to head up the clean up crew this year. Vivat for Leo! This is a vital job, and he will need lots of help, so if you are able to stay a while after the event… please let him know. Many hands make light work.

We can certainly use help all day at the event, whether it is checking the bathrooms out for supplies, or washing dishes, or laying salt on stairs and ramps. Many of you have done this before, so just let me know if I can count on you once again.

Also, we are once again holding a choose one of three raffle for Quilts. Brigitte has donated the quilts, and we will have chances available for folks to sell. There will be pix of the quilts to print out, and we can be selling chances at any event in NY State. Ask Brigitte for tix.

Please remember to talk up our event when you are at other events!

Watch this space for more information as we get closer in.

I am looking forward to working with you all in making Dancing Fox 16 another rollicking success!


Categories: Uncategorized


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