We have media capability at the demo.

Second floor setting has ramped access
There will be two demos at Matthewis Persen House Museum 74 John Street, Kingston, New York. 15 June from 9 am to 3 PM. Hours for 26 October, 2019 10 am to 3 PM
Nordenhal will have use of the building as well as a cooking pit outside. The Side yard is approx 25 x 75. There will be a fencing marshal and a heavy list marshal both on the 15th.
If you can help at either or both demos, please contact Alayne: chatelaine@nordenhal.eastkingdom.org
Chatelaine · May 22, 2019 at 8:29 am
So far planned activities include:
Making a Sweet Bag
Catapult Game
Coloring Sheets
Wire weaving
Heavy List Combat
Teneriffe Lace
Tunic making
If you have a skill or activity to share, please contact me ASAP.
(We would also appreciate people to simply help out at various points throughout the day.)
Maria Eskinazi · May 26, 2019 at 3:12 pm
So. I can do either music. Or Kraft things. Kumihimo, weaving, wire. Erlan /Pia
Chatelaine · May 26, 2019 at 8:58 pm
Perhaps you can do a bit of music at specific times (which I will post on the schedule), and we can set you up with space to craft the majority of the day? Wire weaving sounds great, but so does Kumihimo!
Thank you so much!
PS: Erlan/Pia will bring 2-3 display boards. 1) Wire 2) Kumihimo 3)woven samples.
Have all the tools & parts for display and be doing her arts. Vivat!
Chatelaine · June 9, 2019 at 8:36 am
Folks coming to help at the demo or sending something for display:
Can you each think up five or so pre-17th century items that you could answer? Perhaps representing something about what you are doing, your attire, and artifacts you have brought to display/are working with. I will be making sheets to get people interacting with the demo folks so, not jeopardy level! Friendly, fun and maybe 3 or 4th grade level-ish? We don’t want to intimidate! Could reflect what you are wearing: Red shoes. Gauntlets
Each person who completes a row (a la bingo) will receive a small token.
PS: Don’t forget that Seraq has requested armor for display!
Chatelaine · June 12, 2019 at 9:28 pm
Be aware, due to the Farmer’s Market parts of Wall Street will be closed to traffic on Saturday!
My suggestion is to take Washington Avenue to Lucas Avenue, to Green Street, to John Street and enter the parking lot through the driveway just after Persen House.
Many uptown streets are narrow and one way, be patient! If you miss a turn, just circle around, you will find it.
Chatelaine · September 13, 2019 at 8:21 am
The 26 October List is waiting for you to volunteer!
Chatelaine · October 20, 2019 at 7:52 am
So far:
Sweete Bag making
Drop Spindle/carding
Chatelaine · October 21, 2019 at 2:52 pm
The Press Release:
Kingston, NY – Ulster County Clerk Nina Postupack is pleased to announce that on Saturday, October 26, the Society for Creative Anachronism, Shire of Nordenhal, will host at the Matthewis Persen House Museum located at 74 John Street in uptown Kingston, at the corner of John and Crown Streets. Admission is free and all are welcome.
On Saturday, October 26 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), Shire of Nordenhal, will host “Life in the Middle Ages” at the Persen House. The SCA is an educational organization dedicated to reproducing and exploring the very best aspects of pre-17th century cultures. Join members of the SCA’s Shire of Nordenhal for family-friendly activities and discussion on period clothing, calligraphy, fencing, archery and other countless activities of interest. Medieval games, dancing, inkle-loom weaving and diverse arts will be demonstrated throughout the day.
“We are excited to have the SCA back at the Persen House for the second time this season.,” said Postupack. “They offer a fun, family-friendly way to learn about the people and events of the middle ages. It is sure to be a day filled with entertaining and educational experiences!”
To learn more about the Society for Creative Anachronism, visit their website at nordenhal.eastkingdom.org. For further information about the Matthewis Persen House Museum and other outreach programs of the Ulster County Clerk’s Office, please contact County Clerk Nina Postupack at (845) 340-3040 or countyclerk@co.ulster.ny.us or visit us on Facebook.
Chatelaine · October 22, 2019 at 4:47 pm
Demo set up will begin Friday morning at 930. The Building will be unlocked Saturday Morning at 10 am.
See you there!