Tomorrow is the O+ demo at the Old Dutch Church outside on the sidewalk! We will be there from 9 am until the crowd dies down. If you can help, please do!
Ditto on the 19th, which will be the Burning of Kingston, we will be at the Old Dutch Church on the sidewalk again! Same hours.
The Persen House Demo on the 26th (see the full post previous to this one) will be from 10 am to 3 PM with set up inside the Friday before. Please — even if you can’t attend and you have cool things we can share, get them to us! (Closing time on the demo is soft, if there is a big crowd we can stay longer!)
Thank you all!
1 Comment
Chatelaine · October 17, 2019 at 6:11 am
Please note: The Burning of Kingston Demo on the 19th of October is being canceled.
The Demo at Persen House is still ON.
Thank you!