It is election time, folks! Please refer to the Shire ByLaws and follow these procedures if you are interested in running for an office, leaving an office or simply renewing your tenure in an office. For your convenience I have quoted the pertinent sections below, but the entire ByLaws are located here:
Several incumbent officers have already stated that while they would be happy to renew their offices, if someone would really like to try their hand at the office, they will gladly cede the post:
Web Minister
The Arts and Sciences Officer will be vacating her post at the end of her term.
If you are interested in running for any of the above positions, please have the courtesy to contact the officers and find out what the post is all about as soon as possible.
This will be discussed at the January meeting 2 January, 2019.
B. Elections procedure
Elections will occur every odd calendar year at the April business meeting (barring special circumstances)
Election reminders will be announced to the populace in January of an election year at the business meeting and on the Shire website.
Letters of Intent must be submitted in writing by the March business meeting immediately preceding the vote. Letters must include:
Statement of interest in a particular office
Both the candidate’s legal and SCA names
SCA proof of membership
Address, phone number, and email address and written permission to publish information on the Shire website 1 month in advance.
New officers will take office beginning at the first May meeting immediately following the election.
Officer positions are two (2) years.
Officers may be re-elected as allowable by Kingdom Law.
At the end of their term, Officers may:
Resign their office by submitting a letter in writing at the business meeting 2 months before desired resignation.
Submit a letter of intent to remain in office in writing at the March business meeting before their term is complete. They must then run for re-election against any new candidates.
Section IV:
Responsibilities of Officers
A. Requirements for Officers.
Fulfill the duties pertaining to their specific office, as outlined in the East Kingdom and/or Society law and policy.
Fulfill the Kingdom reporting requirements for that office with a copy of each report going to the Shire Seneschal.
Read their Kingdom Counterpart’s reports in the Pikestaff. This is where any changes in office policy will be posted.
All officers are expected make their best efforts to attend the populace meetings.
All officers must submit a monthly report at the Shire business meetings. If an officer cannot attend a monthly meeting, they are required to make a report in writing (via e-mail) to the Seneschal in advance of any meeting they
cannot attend
Officers must attend a minimum of one business meeting per quarter.
Be available via email.
Be a paid member of the SCA for the duration of their tenure in that office.
NB: Kingdom Law REQUIRES all officers to utilize an official EK email.
Thank you, all.
1 Comment
Seneschal · January 1, 2019 at 9:49 pm
Unto the populace of the shire of Nordenhal from Alayne, your Seneschale, warm greetings!
It amazes me how quickly two years can fleet by.
Elections draw near, I would be honored if you accept my letter of intent to fill this office for one more term.
As I say this, I also encourage someone to start considering to undertake the position in two years when I must, by Kingdom Law stand down. I would be happy to have more than one Deputy so that people can begin to learn the office.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Yours in service,
Alayne Alexandra Nyvern Nightwatcher #110120
Pam Parisi
64 South Manor Avenue
Kingston, NY 12401