Good evening, Populace of the East Kingdom,
While some folks have been eager to return to in-person events, the East Kingdom has also seen a lot of reluctance from others. Part of the reason for that is not feeling safe from COVID on site.
The Board of Directors has now given each Kingdom Seneschal, in consultation with their Crown, the authority to decide whether their Kingdom will require that all attendees at all in-person gatherings show proof of either full vaccination or a medically-supervised negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of the event. Proof of vaccine or a negative test shall not be required for children under 12. Children that are aged 3 through 11 shall wear a mask.
The full Board announcement is here: <>
The East Kingdom seeks to prioritize the health and safety of all its members, paid and unpaid. Accordingly, the East will be implementing this policy, effective as of October 12, 2021. This two week period will give event staff, as well as those who run weekly practices and meetings, a chance to become familiar with the requirements of the new policy and make appropriate adjustments. The Kingdom Seneschal will be holding info sessions on Sunday, October 3rd and Monday, October 4th, from 7 – 9 pm EDT both nights. The meetings are open to all officers and event staff throughout the Kingdom; please contact your branch seneschal or the Kingdom Seneschal to get the Zoom link.
We are still required to collect all attendees’ legal name and either a phone number or email for contact tracing purposes.
The Kingdom mask policy remains in place for the northern, central, and southern regions of the Kingdom. Masks must be worn at all in-person gatherings, except under a helm when actively fighting. When the helm comes off, the mask goes on. Masks may be briefly lowered while eating and drinking.
Update for Tir Mara: Because of the differences between the ways in which the U.S. and Canadian federal & provincial governments are addressing the pandemic, the Kingdom mask policy is rescinded for attendees ages 12 and over in Tir Mara; in keeping with the Society policy, children ages 3-11 must wear masks at all times. Members of the populace in Tir Mara must follow Canadian federal & provincial requirements, and we echo the Public Health Agency’s September 17, 2021 statement encouraging “core public health practices” (click here for the PHA statement). If visiting the U.S. part of the Kingdom, masks must be worn.
As always, if Society/Kingdom policy conflicts with mundane federal/provincial/state law, the mundane requirements will over-ride Society/Kingdom policy. Please let the Kingdom Seneschal know if your jurisdiction has a conflict.
In service,
Medhbh, Kingdom Seneschal
Ioannes II and Ro Honig, Emperor and Empress
1 Comment
Chatelaine · September 28, 2021 at 1:08 am
East Kingdom Seneschal
AttachmentsMon, Sep 27, 9:29 PM (3 hours ago)
to East, East, EK, chronicler.east-kingdom
Hi everyone,
Here’s the direct link to the Board’s announcement. I’ve also attached a .pdf file.
As you can imagine, the site just had a LOT of traffic!
In service,
Medhbh, KSen
Medhbh inghean Uí Cheallaigh, OP
Seneschal, East Kingdom