Yay! Our Seneschal has given me permission to hold a party to celebrate the winter holidays. Whether it be Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwaanza, Yule, Solstice, what ever your choice might be, we are gonna eat, exchange gifts, and generally love each other with great hopes for the coming year. The party will be on Wednesday, December 17, at our usual A&S time. I will be at the hall earlier if anyone needs/wants access to the kitchen.
Dinner will be a pot-luck affair. I do ask that you let me know what you will be planning to bring so that I can try to make sure that we don’t have 15 desserts and no entrees. If you bring enough to feed 8-10, we should have some great left-overs to swap.
I am told that in this neck of the woods it is called ‘Secret Santa’, where I grew up it was simply called a gift exchange. At the A&S gathering on November 5th all the names of those wishing to participate will be placed in a bowl, and each person will then draw a name. If you cannot attend that gathering, yet wish to be involved, e-mail me before November 4th and I will put your name in, and draw a name for you. I’m thinking that the gifts should have a retail value of $25-$40. It is fine if you chose to make something, the monetary mention is a guideline.
The gathering will be mundane in both food and dress, and invitation is open to Nordenhal and our friends. Please RSVP to me at medieval.maven@yahoo.com by or at the A&S gathering on November 5.
Dancing Fox 16 · September 16, 2014 at 8:07 am
Awww Mundane food? So I guess you don’t want me to make strawberry water?
wearscholaiv · September 16, 2014 at 11:45 am
Strawberry water????? Oh hell yeah!!!
Dancing Fox 16 · October 13, 2014 at 9:42 pm
My account is not showing Wearscholaiv’s reply in this panel, but I can see it on the WordPress dashboard!
Submitted on 2014/09/16 at 11:45 am
Strawberry water????? Oh hell yeah!!!”
So, yes, I am bringing strawberry water!
Anyone know what is going on with this?