This coming Wednesday (30 June, 2021), will see a return of in-person Arts and Sciences workshops at the Port Ewen Reformed Church in Esopus, NY. So if you need help with a particular project, bring your materials and tools; and we’ll see what we can accomplish. Wednesday at 6pm. Or, if you have a particular project you’d like help with starting, contact Seraq at ASAP and maybe we can bring something along with us to put you on the right path. Thanks!
See you soon!
Yours in Service, Seraq, Barok’s Penance
Chatelaine · June 28, 2021 at 1:42 am
Remember, we still need masks for June. See you there.
Chatelaine · July 7, 2021 at 7:26 am
Due to the heat and humidity, Seraq and I will not be able to be there on the 7th.
See you on the hopefully cooler 14th!
Chatelaine · July 13, 2021 at 2:33 pm
There will be A & S starting at 6 PM on the 14th!