A wonderful event was had by all! I couldn’t have done it alone however, so there are some I want to thank…
Those who shared their knowledge by teaching. Mistress Frigga, Lady Gunvor, Baroness Brighid MacCumhal. Lady Aislinn, Lord Mikulaj, Lady Barbetta, Lady Erlan, Lord Ibrahim, Marajil, and Baroness Alayne for providing an Accessibility Hour.
Then there was the staff who were invaluable…Eithne, who did her first dayboard, Lady Gunvor who was our Reservations Steward and Exchecquer, Mistress Alayne who ran Troll and spent hours providing the artwork on the chests and fans, Marajil for manning the Raffle tickets and for the paper games and Coffee, Baroness Caitelyn for taking charge of Clean-up Duties, Lord Tiberius for taking care of signage and assisting in the kitchen, Baron Ivan for being available to marshal the Tournament and for lifting and carrying, and Lady Olivia Bakere for being available to tend the Lists. There were others who were also most helpful, Lord Ingelcott, Lady Sorchia, Lord Leo,Ryan, Lady Molly, and Richildis,
And I also want to thank my Shire officers who allowed me to host this event.

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1 Comment

Lady Ailionora · November 21, 2013 at 8:32 am

Lost and Found from Wear Schola…one rounded wooden bowl. Contact me at medieval.maven@yahoo.com thank you.

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